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Time for something different

We create experiential and imaginative approaches to professional development in universities: workshops, development programmes and coaching for Higher Education leaders.

We’re here to support people to lead with courage and humanity. To choose new ways to connect and collaborate. To bring out the best in one another and our institutions, and build a better world.

What’s possible if we think and work differently?

If we’re braver and more creative?

In a world that asks for innovation and radical solutions to big problems, how we work, lead and connect with one another, matters. In partnership with you, we design and facilitate experiences that bring people together, inspire collective, purposeful action and make change happen.

On curiosity

On curiosity

ByPaul Gentle3 min read
Who are the people that ignite curiosity in you, and in your leadership practice? Through the lens of higher education, Paul Gentle reflects on the moments where curiosity has inspired him to take a new and different path. Here’s what…
Do you speak Acabusinish?

Do you speak Acabusinish?

ByLouise Clifton7 min read
How to avoid the trappings of de-facto university language. Tom Scott, writer and university lecturer, examines the rise of Acabusinish, the unlovely hybrid of academic jargon and management speak. In this article, issues regarding approaches to written communication typically characterising…
It’s a Mentor-full world!

It’s a Mentor-full world!

ByPaul Gentle5 min read
The benefits of mentoring are widely accepted. Gifting your experience and expertise to another can be both professionally rewarding and personally satisfying. But is there more to it than that? Paul Gentle explores the powerful synergy that can evolve from…
Lucy Butters

Lucy Butters

ByLouise Clifton12 min read
Cultural Intelligence expert ‘It always comes back to people and nurturing their capability’. This is the motivation for Lucy Butters, a Cultural Intelligence coach and facilitator. But what does it mean to be ‘culturally intelligent’ and what could a culturally…