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Photo of Carolyn Gentle

The commitment of Invisible Grail to enriching the experience of all those inhabiting the university sphere is a perfect match to the HE world of Carolyn’s imagination.

Carolyn has held various academic roles over more than 20 years in universities. In 2012 she established a large cross-institutional Academic Peer Learning Scheme which she led until 2019. She was also a founder member of the International Academic Peer Learning Network. She is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE.

“My passion is working collaboratively in educational settings and exploring the frontiers of practice.”

“The commitment of Invisible Grail to enriching the experience of all those inhabiting the university sphere is a perfect match to the HE world of my imagination.”

A new partnership: Invisible Grail and Refugee Education UK

ByCarolyn Gentle3 min read
Since 2019, Invisible Grail and Refugee Education UK have worked in partnership to support refugees seeking educational opportunities and mentorship. Our joint passion is to connect people to positive, systematic,…